Back in the Early 1960’s a few Jarvisites (mostly jocks but some real scholars too) had a little golf
tournament. One of the guys made a great trophy; a piece of 2x4 with 3 of his little brother’s
baby food tins on the top. It was awarded to the low-net winner in 1963, ‘64 and ’65; engraved
brass plaques enshrined the winners forever. While many friendships were maintained during the university and career years, the trophy was not competed for again until 2007, JCI’s 200th
anniversary. That reunion “Let the Bulldogs out”. An additional piece of 2x4 was added
to the Grand Olde Trophy and it has been pursued with great passion for the last nine years
(and counting), but as a TEAM event.
Although not a corporate project per se, DCI's President, Brian Caldwell has been instrumental in organizing and marketing the Tournament to other Alumni (and Alumnae) of the school. DCI folks and friends have incorporated a not for profit company Sports for Sports in Jarvis Communities. Its purpose is to raise money and administer a fund used to enhance the PhysEd programs and Athletics programs at Jarvis and to expand their reach include participation by Jarvis students in what for them are "non traditional" sports, viz. golf!
To facilitate the delivery of relevant programs, the company does business as Sports4Jarvis.
The web site is
It outlines the activities that have been undertaken and those that are planned. The group invites JCI Alums, past and present teachers, present students and friends of Jarvis generally, to go through the site. Ideas and donations are welcomed as you will see on the site.