Dealer Communications Inc.

Product and Marketing Innovations

Integrated Communications

Effective Project Management

Customer Loyalty Solutions


Never sit in hot lava!

Got a communications issue? Call us.

Got an orphaned project? We'll adopt it!

Call us and give your project a home!


Rent us or Lease us; Short term or Long term.

You'll be amazed at the difference a little DCI logic and discipline can make


    While we focus on helping folks with their marketing and communications issues, we offer some pretty good general Project Management skills.

    Too often small companies have great ideas for new products or services but do not have the requisite time or staff to pursue and implement them. 

    DCI people have managed scientific research & development projects, hard & soft product development projects and new policy & legislative development projects.

    DCI can help you by being your on-call project temp.

    Read on for a fuller pitch!


    How many orphan projects have you got? 

    Call us now if you have said things like; 

     “I should look into that, but I don’t have the time?"

             “I need a new product or service, but I don’t know who to deal with”

                    “I wish I had someone on-staff who could handle this project”  

                            “I could really use some help to figure out what to do”

                                 “When I get that new employee up to speed, then I’ll get at it”

                                       “I suppose a BIG Consultant could help, but I can’t afford them” 

    If you’re like most small business operators and entrepreneurs, I’ll bet you’ve got some of these thoughts in your mind right now. But you don’t have to delay acting on that new idea or fix another minute! The DCI team is at your service. We offer you expertise in new product and service development, marketing and communications and even organizational makeovers. We know the web and the ways to ensure all your communications are coordinated. We know the importance of a strong brand and that it’s a must to get all your stakeholders onside. Our experience is “multi-cultural;” it spans small and large companies, associations and the public sector.  We’re like a high value car; we’ll take you anywhere you want to go, safely! Rent us for a day, a week or a month. Or try the long term lease…whatever your problem or project requires. With us by your side, you’ll do more, try more and achieve more.  

    What can you expect in terms of help? 

    You can expect us to manage projects professionally, research issues and markets thoroughly, source and qualify any necessary suppliers efficiently, bring people and ideas together, create solutions and communicate the results effectively. And it’s done on time and on budget. You’ll get operational problems solved fast and strategic initiatives handled thoroughly. And if you need it, you’ll get an assurance of staff buy-in from some real experts at consensus and team building. 

    We’ll be a temporary but loyal part of your organizational family as we “adopt” your orphan projects and nurse them to health. While we’re happy to spend lots of time at your place, there are lots of issues which can be handled without the time and expense of travel. You get the perspective and good management that only experience can bring. And you get a truthful, independent but empathetic, market-oriented voice. You pay a lot less than you’d pay The Big Consultants. But we’ll bring in expert colleagues if they are needed. You can count on us to give you the straight goods.  

    Let’s get more specific. We do things for which you don’t have dedicated staff or for which your team doesn’t have the time. Things that fall generally into categories like Business Planning, New Product Assessment & Launch, Organization (Re) Structuring, Marketing and Communication Planning, (Re) Capitalization and Team Building/Restructuring. Projects in the past have included some or all of the following activities and deliverables: 


    • customer surveys and market research

    • customer events and client contests

    • unusual product procurements (equipment software, training etc.)

    • electronic database development (design, data input etc.)

    • collateral materials design

    • business plans

    • training programs

    • evaluating communications and marketing strategies

    • assessing your web based programs, making your web services more user-friendly and sourcing content for your website of interest to your audiences

    • conducting employee assessments and evaluating the ability of your team to carry forward your new initiatives and ideas

    • creating briefs to local governments

    • brainstorming your new ideas. 

    Many small to medium sized businesses just don’t have the staff or time to deal with issues like these. If you are facing a unique challenge or want to launch something new, it’s time to call us. I’ll guess you’re saying to yourself: “Come to think of it, I don’t have anyone to handle project “X”. Maybe my people have some of the necessary skills, but they are far too busy just doing their jobs. And it’s true; most of these things do fall between my management cracks and need a full team to make them happen.”   

    We undertake some projects which are totally customized for the special needs of an organization. But we have also developed several assessment and evaluation tools which can be applied in many circumstances and that means lower project costs.  

    We’ve got a great offer for you

    You have just read a unique standing offer to provide services to help you manage special issues and projects. We’ll give you great value…guaranteed. If you are truly not convinced that we deliver up to your expectations as contracted, we’ll refund an agreed portion of the fees in excess of the down-payment. Test us. Try us. Call us.